duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

Pagina 4 - private autovehicle

(harti, poze, grafice, desene samd. ex, harta rutiera,  harta parcarilor, harta zgomotului, poze din trafic la anumite ore in acelasi loc , poze cu gropi in asfalt, poze cu masini parcate aiure, poze cu parcari pline, goale, inteligente, tipuri de vehicule,  intersectii bune, intersectii proaste, masini abandonate, politisti, semne de circulatie, etc.

General aspects:

All the cars as well as some other means transport runs on a nerwork of 5 340 streets 1820,8 km and a total surface of 19 499,900 mp. A range of 258 de străzi from those 5340 are vital for the the conducting of the main socio-economical activities of the entire city. this roads ashures the conections with the rest of the contry trough national roads and mororways, or between the main arias of the citi trough main or ring roads, 

Din totalul de străzi a reţelei stradale a Municipiului Bucureşti , un număr de 1932 sunt străzi cu îmbracăminte definitivă (1532 străzi cu asfalt şi beton de ciment şi 400 străzi cu pavaj din piatră fasonată). Acestea reprezintă circa 57% din totalul străzilor. Restul sunt străzi cu pavaj din bolovani, pietruite sau neasfaltate. 

a. rises one`s social statute & adrenaline
b. security and comfort
c. handy when in need to carry luggage or passengers
d. regardless of the rush hours and law-abiding - it can be a fast way to reach from point A to point B

require a driving license - which it`s gotten quite easily and that leads us back to point c earlier
require a parking space - wich is hard to find, costs money, costs green spaces. 
- the driver mind is busy on driving - he is loosing the time/and money while driving . 

- toxic gasses emanation - costs in health problems, 
- noise polution - produces psichiatric disorders. 
- many accidents with human victims. - 
- high costs with garage service

The Source of problems. 
- there are to many old cars running on streets and this coses trafic jam, air and noise polution, the feling of invasion. 

The Solution  
Reduce the number of cars, by discouraging driving trough restrisctions on certain areas (streets), expensive parking spaces, high fines. And in mean time encouriging the usage of ecological vehicles, like public ones, or personal cars by offering good discounts and street acces to those who respect the highest standards of polution. with the  money colected, should be developed ways to speed up the transports. 

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