duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011


          In our efforts for better understanding of this project, we felt the need to define some terms first of all. So, by "ecological" we define the quality of being less distructiv with the life forms. Transport is the human activity of changing the position in space of things. System - are things that work toghether to accomplish a certain task. Acording to to terms, the project should propose to our public a less bio-destructive way for people to move around themselves and their stuff, inside Bucharest especially, but for other cities as well.

          As any healthy mind will notice, a complete new transport system is useless to design. That's  because this old one is very functional, it was designed and developed by many generations during centuries. And the best we could do is to generate a little change in it, in order to reduce it's negative impact over biosphere.

          Many bright people had already designed thounsands of bio-friendly ways of transportation, and so,  there are still so few options for us to use. What exactly are our options,  and what options should we have are the main questions that our team decided to answer within this project.

p.s. - banuiesc ca  textul are cateva probleme pe care momentan nu le realizez si pt care imi cer scuze. va rog sa-mi sugerati greselile.

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