luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

pagina 7. Minibuses


General info.
In Romania, they are called "maxi-taxi", minibuses supplied the need of affordable public transportation at a time when some local administrations dismantled the community-owned systems of buses and or trolley cars. In Bucharest, a few lines went inside the main city in the last years of communism, their line numbers starting with 500, operated by RATB ancestor, ITB. In the 1990s, the lines were ceded to private companies. The boom came in 2003 when the city-owned RATB lost the right to maintain suburban commuter buses which linked main city with the villages around it, and the minibuses replaced the buses on popular suburban lines, such as the ones to Afumaţi or Măgurele.
As of 2006, RATB resumed sub-urban operations maxi-taxi. Furthermore, services are no longer allowed to enter the city center, and, only 11 maxi-taxi lines are allowed to both start and terminate within Bucharest's city limits:[5]:
701 (Cora Pantelimon - Autogara Obor)
703 (Str. Marin Grigore, Berceni - Str. N.D. Cocea, Ferentari)
705 (Str. Pogoanelor, Berceni - Bd. Camil Ressu, Titan)
707 (Rostar, Rahova - Str. Piscu Crasani, Militari)
708 (Str. Pucheni, Ferentari - Str. Boja, Militari)
709 (Str. Luncii, Giuleşti - Cimitirul Ghencea)
710 (Prelungirea Ghencea - Crângaşi - Str. Chitila Triaj)
714 (XXL Fundeni - Tei - Selgros, Băneasa)
715 (Şos. Andronache, Colentina - Titan - Str. Zeţari, Ferentari)
716 (Pod Grozăveşti - Piaţa Progresul, Berceni)
717 (Str. Niţu Vasile, Berceni - Str. Fizicienilor - Cora Pantelimon)

Is a good way for commuters an , one can come in Bucharest while is living autside the city without adding a new car (noic. 
Is fast, confortable, cheap.
it's a independent vehicle and that's makes it very flexible. can deviate rute for better traffic condition. 

For some it's difficult to enter and get out of it. The most minibuses use the front door for acces instead of the large one. both are manualy driven.
most cars consume fosile fuel, and pulute the city. 
the drivers is also a casher and that is not ok. 

The main problem
This subsistem of transport is not developed enough. There is a small number of vehicles types. and there is no effective comunication between the drivers. 

The solution
Make a central sistem of administration, with an electronic pay-control, with different grade of comfort, like first class an second one. 

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