luni, 24 ianuarie 2011


Details on the interviewed persons:
age: 25  to 48 
occupation: 100% office jobs, frequent travel inside the city needed, 50% of the interviewed people are architects, engineers
preferred mean of transportation:
38% are pedestrians and use the public transport
25% sometimes use a bicycle in the urban area
88% are also drivers in the urban area

Reasons for using a specific mean of transportation:
car – 50% - reasons: lack of time, distance from public transport, living outside the city
bicycle – 12.50% - reasons: allows fast and efficient travel within the urban area (especially the centre of the city)
public transport (especially subway)– 37.50% - reasons: fast, accessible, low cost

Main disadvantages of the current urban infrastructure:
Urban road network: insufficient, unbalanced in distribution over the city surface, not properly maintained 
Parking: insufficient, rules not respected
Public transport: inefficient, not enough developed, crowded
Traffic: drivers & pedestrians do not respect traffic rules
Facilities for bicycles: very little, rules not respected
Pollution: high
Future developments: very few projects, not coordinated

Solutions for the above mentioned problems of the current urban infrastructure:

 development of urban road network
better budgeting & controlled spending
better projects  - suspended highways, new boulevards, underground passages, bridges
increased resources  - differentiated taxation for acces in various city areas
better regulations – restrictions in central area, streets with reversable traffic flow, video monitoring for traffic optimisation, solving priorities

development of public transport
more means of transportation
diversified means of transportation
advertising public transport campaigns
public – private projects

development of infrastructure & regulations for alternative means of transport (bicycles)

Main issues concerning current behaviour in urban traffic :

lack of education
lack of discipline
lack of politeness

Solutions for the issues concerning behaviour in urban traffic:

Better general & specific education, from early ages, at school & in the family
Tougher sanctions, higher fines
Toucher & more complexe driving school & exam
Better public campaigns for traffic issues
Higher & more effciente presence of the traffic police in the urban area.

Average grade (from 1 to 10 – 10 is the highest) for the activity of traffic police:


Main suggested improvements to the activity of urban traffic police:
Higher presence in traffic
Increased authority
Decrease corruption and ‘influences’ in justice & police
Higher & more specific education
More traffic policemen

Average grade (from 1 to 10 – 10 is the highest) for the activity of local authorities concerning infrastructure & traffic in urban area:


Main suggested improvements to the activity of local authorities concerning infrastructure & traffic in the urban area:

Better organisation & coordination
Better projects – exchanges with other local authorities that have faced & solved similar issues, updating existing studies on traffic & infrastructure, public debate on infrastructure & transportation issues
Better control over public works
Developing public transportation network

Average grade (from 1 to 10 – 10 is the highest) on current legislation regarding urban infrastructure & transportation:

Main suggested improvements to the current legislation regarding urban infrastructure & transportation:

Most participants in the survey do not have specialised knowledge reagarding the legislation on infrastructure & public transportation.  Nevertheless, there have been suggestions on:
taking & adapting foreign legislation to local specifics
more transparency & education for the public on such legislation
once such legislation is implemented, it should be inforced correctly by all parties involved 

Average grade (from 1 to 10 – 10 is the highest) on existing education campaigns by local & national authorities for the improvement of traffic in urban areas.
14.  Main suggested campaings for public education on issues concerning better traffic & transportation in urban areas:
National campaign in schools on traffic rules & regulations
National campaign on drinking & driving
National campaign on respect in traffic
National campaign on dangers of breaking of rules in traffic (safety belts, traffic lights, speeding)

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