duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

Pagina 3 - Infrastructura.

          Bucharest's transport system is the result of so many elements that is practically imposible to list. Starting with political measures and ending with somebody's dressing stille. All the human activities reflects, in a way or another over the way transportation is taking place in Bucharest. Considering that, and the fact that our team is made mostly of ambiental design students, a industrial designer and one graphic designer,  we decided to analise certain aspects of this large sistem. More exactly the constructed ambient, the transport objects, and the vizual comunication. One word: The Infrastructure.

          According to most dictionaries by infrastructure we refere to manmade elements that give to a geografical area a certain functionality and a certain level of accessibility. The functionality of Bucharest is not in our projects concern, but the accessibility definitively is. More exactly the ways a man can acces different parts of the city. And there are a few ways to categorize the acceses ways: horisontal an vertical, private and public, outomated, semiautomated or non, etc. Although transport is a very complex concept, and can be studied from many poits of view, for our public's confort we will embrace the most comun aproach. The means for somone to get from poit A to point B - and things that are related this mean. 

          In Bucharest like in almost any other major city, the trasport is made by, foot or different types of vehicles wich goes on certain networks, served by a specific kind of constructions,  signaled by a large amount of information. In the next pages we will present them one by one, with general and specific information in order to show, what exactly should be inproved about it.  

By Wikipedia`s writers definition, infrastructure is the basic physical
and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society
or enterprise, or the services and facilities necessary for an economy
to function. Thus we can enounce a lot of types of infrastructures.
However our project is mainly related to the transportation
infrastructure, particulary the urban one.

* Vehicle (public & private) - bicycle, automobile, taxi, maxitaxi, troleibuz, autobuz, tramvai, metrou
* Building (service, parking lots, office building, ticket counter/inquiry office, supply station )
* Road and highway networks, including structures (bridges, tunnels,culverts, retaining walls), , electrical systems(street lighting and traffic lights), edge treatments (curbs, sidewalks, landscaping) and specialized facilities such as road maintenance depots and rest areas
* Information design ( signage and markings, signalizing and communications systems, ticket design, maps, corporate identity  )

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