luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

ETS infrastructura: Biografie.


1. Observatii proprii ale echipei.

2. Surse electronice.
     primaria bucuresti.
     politia rutiera
     registrul auto roman,

ETS infrastructura: pagina 8 - reteaua de taxi-uri

ETS infrastructura: pagina 8 - reteaua de taxi-uri: "vezi pagina 4"

Automated Cab service
Taxi booking and managmenet , Fleet management
Construction Diagram
Main System
This system is expended from the GPS web software system, all the functions of the GPS web software system remains functional. Adding booking functions and 3G communication functions.
  1. Phone booking
- Customer calls for taxi, server will pick up the call automatically. IVR (interactive voice response) starts and prompts the user for options (e.g. press 1 for IVR, press 2 for operator, etc…).
- Customer press 1, IVR will ask the customer for required messages such as location and contact number.
- Employees can listen to the messages from the customer and locate available taxis from the system. Employee can press a button and pass the customer information to the available taxi’s Touch pad, and ask the taxi to proceed to the pick up point.
- Taxi driver press the “confirm button” on the Touch pad and confirms that the taxi is on its way for pick-up.
- Employee or IVR can call/send SMS to customer for confirmation and estimated time of arrival.
  1. Online booking
- Customer logon to the web site and enters the location of the pickup point. The screen show available taxis near the entered location.
- Customer click on the desired taxi and the pickup information will pass to the on-board Touch Pad and the server. Taxi will proceed to the pickup point.
- Taxi driver press the “confirm button” on the Touch Pad and confirms that the taxi is on its way for pick-up.
- Employee or IVR can call/SMS to customer for confirmation and estimated time of arrival.
  1. Kiosk booking
-kiosk.jpg Customer enters the location of the pickup point at the kiosk. The screen show available taxis near the entered location.
- Customer click on the desired taxi and the pickup information will pass to the on-board Touch Pad and the server. Taxi will proceed to the pickup point.
- Taxi driver press the “confirm button” on the Touch Pad and confirms that the taxi is on its way for pick-up.
- Employee or IVR can call/SMS to customer for confirmation and estimated time of arrival.
  1. When customer calls, the system will identify the Caller-ID and display previous booking records by the customer.
  2. Calling fee is required for service center to call the customer (If customer answers the call).
  3. Server can pass information directly to the on-board Touch Pad and display clearly on the screen.
  1. Phone call notification
- Driver will notify the server when arrived at pick-up point by press a button on the Touch Pad.
- The server will make a phone call to the customer to notify.
- Ring 2 or 3 times and hang-up for notification to the customer, if the customer picks up the call, play the voice message of taxi arrival (Calling fee is required when customer picks-up the call).
- Suggest the customer to save the Caller-ID of the phone call notification to recognizable names (e.g. Taxi Service). Whenever customer receives a call from “Taxi Service”, he or she will know that the taxi has arrived.
  1. SMS notification
- After customer finish booking (phone/online/kiosk), system will send a SMS to customer to confirm and give ETA.
- Taxi driver will notify the server when arrived at pick-up point by press a button on the Touch Pad.
- The server will send SMS messages to the customer to notify the taxi’s arrival. The SMS includes the taxi’s license plate or the driver’s registration number for safety precautions.
- Taxi driver press a button on the Touch Pad to confirm arrival and payment receive to the server. The server will send SMS messages once the customer has arrived at the destination (e.g. Thank you for using XXXX taxi service).
pad1.jpg pad2.jpg
Taxi Touch Pad (10 inch Touch Screen Control Pad)
  1. When server pass pick-up information, displays the information and plays a warning sound (music).
  2. Can be able to make 3G phone calls to service center or customer.
  3. The service center can locate the taxi via GPS (3G internet connection).
  4. Touch Pad can display ads or commercials for the customer, ads or commercial can be updated from the internet by 3G connection or update with a SD memory card.
  5. Touch Pad can play films for customers on long distance travels; films can be stored in a SD memory card.
Touch Pad Optional Functions
  1. Credit card billing, customers can pay the fare with credit card. (Server requires credit billing system)
  2. Drive Recorder: Can be able to record the sounds in the taxi and different views from the taxi and stores in SD memory cards (requires external cameras).
  3. Karaoke: Connect with external speakers and microphones and provides karaoke service.
Backend Server
  1. Daily / weekly / monthly reports, analysis
  2. Taxi management
- Controls dispatch, customer pickup
  1. GPS position tracking
  2. Time estimation on arriving
IVR Customer Service Center, phone records.

ETS infrastructura: pagina 8 - reteaua de taxi-uri

ETS infrastructura: pagina 8 - reteaua de taxi-uri: "vezi pagina 4"
There are two kinds of taxis in Bucharest:- Taxis belonging to reputable companies, that charge an average fare per kilometer and use smaller Dacia or, more and more often, Skoda and Renault cars. The companies I would list here are Leone, Cobalcescu, Meridian, CrisTaxi, Rodell, Apolodor, Taxi 2000, Mondial. They will charge about RON 1.40 - 1.90 / km. plus the starting, which is RON 1.00-2.00.- Taxis belonging to expensive companies, that charge more, have bigger / better cars or simply have the same type of cars with the ones above, but charge more. I would list here Taxi Grand and Fly Taxi. They charge up to RON 3.00 / km., depending to the time of the day / night when you go.- Taxis that will cheat you. As simple as that, and the ways they will attempt to do so are various. Taxis will gather at main places like train stations and airports, but will also collect at intersections.

pagina 7. Minibuses


General info.
In Romania, they are called "maxi-taxi", minibuses supplied the need of affordable public transportation at a time when some local administrations dismantled the community-owned systems of buses and or trolley cars. In Bucharest, a few lines went inside the main city in the last years of communism, their line numbers starting with 500, operated by RATB ancestor, ITB. In the 1990s, the lines were ceded to private companies. The boom came in 2003 when the city-owned RATB lost the right to maintain suburban commuter buses which linked main city with the villages around it, and the minibuses replaced the buses on popular suburban lines, such as the ones to Afumaţi or Măgurele.
As of 2006, RATB resumed sub-urban operations maxi-taxi. Furthermore, services are no longer allowed to enter the city center, and, only 11 maxi-taxi lines are allowed to both start and terminate within Bucharest's city limits:[5]:
701 (Cora Pantelimon - Autogara Obor)
703 (Str. Marin Grigore, Berceni - Str. N.D. Cocea, Ferentari)
705 (Str. Pogoanelor, Berceni - Bd. Camil Ressu, Titan)
707 (Rostar, Rahova - Str. Piscu Crasani, Militari)
708 (Str. Pucheni, Ferentari - Str. Boja, Militari)
709 (Str. Luncii, Giuleşti - Cimitirul Ghencea)
710 (Prelungirea Ghencea - Crângaşi - Str. Chitila Triaj)
714 (XXL Fundeni - Tei - Selgros, Băneasa)
715 (Şos. Andronache, Colentina - Titan - Str. Zeţari, Ferentari)
716 (Pod Grozăveşti - Piaţa Progresul, Berceni)
717 (Str. Niţu Vasile, Berceni - Str. Fizicienilor - Cora Pantelimon)

Is a good way for commuters an , one can come in Bucharest while is living autside the city without adding a new car (noic. 
Is fast, confortable, cheap.
it's a independent vehicle and that's makes it very flexible. can deviate rute for better traffic condition. 

For some it's difficult to enter and get out of it. The most minibuses use the front door for acces instead of the large one. both are manualy driven.
most cars consume fosile fuel, and pulute the city. 
the drivers is also a casher and that is not ok. 

The main problem
This subsistem of transport is not developed enough. There is a small number of vehicles types. and there is no effective comunication between the drivers. 

The solution
Make a central sistem of administration, with an electronic pay-control, with different grade of comfort, like first class an second one. 

ETS infrastructura: ETS infrastructura: Biografie.

ETS infrastructura: ETS infrastructura: Biografie.: "ETS infrastructura: Biografie.: 'Pe aceasta pagina ar trebui sa fie sursele de informatii care au stat la baza prezentarii. Nevoi/Probleme..."
E un studiu economic dar include si ceea de ce avem noi nevoie

ETS infrastructura: Biografie.

ETS infrastructura: Biografie.: "Pe aceasta pagina ar trebui sa fie sursele de informatii care au stat la baza prezentarii. Nevoi/Probleme Solutii gasite/adoptate/propuse ..."

ETS infrastructura: pagina 8 - reteaua de taxi-uri

ETS infrastructura: pagina 8 - reteaua de taxi-uri: "vezi pagina 4"

ETS infrastructura: date de autentificare

ETS infrastructura: date de autentificare: "adresa: parola: sa o solicitati de la mircea sau laura"


Details on the interviewed persons:
age: 25  to 48 
occupation: 100% office jobs, frequent travel inside the city needed, 50% of the interviewed people are architects, engineers
preferred mean of transportation:
38% are pedestrians and use the public transport
25% sometimes use a bicycle in the urban area
88% are also drivers in the urban area

Reasons for using a specific mean of transportation:
car – 50% - reasons: lack of time, distance from public transport, living outside the city
bicycle – 12.50% - reasons: allows fast and efficient travel within the urban area (especially the centre of the city)
public transport (especially subway)– 37.50% - reasons: fast, accessible, low cost

Main disadvantages of the current urban infrastructure:
Urban road network: insufficient, unbalanced in distribution over the city surface, not properly maintained 
Parking: insufficient, rules not respected
Public transport: inefficient, not enough developed, crowded
Traffic: drivers & pedestrians do not respect traffic rules
Facilities for bicycles: very little, rules not respected
Pollution: high
Future developments: very few projects, not coordinated

Solutions for the above mentioned problems of the current urban infrastructure:

 development of urban road network
better budgeting & controlled spending
better projects  - suspended highways, new boulevards, underground passages, bridges
increased resources  - differentiated taxation for acces in various city areas
better regulations – restrictions in central area, streets with reversable traffic flow, video monitoring for traffic optimisation, solving priorities

development of public transport
more means of transportation
diversified means of transportation
advertising public transport campaigns
public – private projects

development of infrastructure & regulations for alternative means of transport (bicycles)

Main issues concerning current behaviour in urban traffic :

lack of education
lack of discipline
lack of politeness

Solutions for the issues concerning behaviour in urban traffic:

Better general & specific education, from early ages, at school & in the family
Tougher sanctions, higher fines
Toucher & more complexe driving school & exam
Better public campaigns for traffic issues
Higher & more effciente presence of the traffic police in the urban area.

Average grade (from 1 to 10 – 10 is the highest) for the activity of traffic police:


Main suggested improvements to the activity of urban traffic police:
Higher presence in traffic
Increased authority
Decrease corruption and ‘influences’ in justice & police
Higher & more specific education
More traffic policemen

Average grade (from 1 to 10 – 10 is the highest) for the activity of local authorities concerning infrastructure & traffic in urban area:


Main suggested improvements to the activity of local authorities concerning infrastructure & traffic in the urban area:

Better organisation & coordination
Better projects – exchanges with other local authorities that have faced & solved similar issues, updating existing studies on traffic & infrastructure, public debate on infrastructure & transportation issues
Better control over public works
Developing public transportation network

Average grade (from 1 to 10 – 10 is the highest) on current legislation regarding urban infrastructure & transportation:

Main suggested improvements to the current legislation regarding urban infrastructure & transportation:

Most participants in the survey do not have specialised knowledge reagarding the legislation on infrastructure & public transportation.  Nevertheless, there have been suggestions on:
taking & adapting foreign legislation to local specifics
more transparency & education for the public on such legislation
once such legislation is implemented, it should be inforced correctly by all parties involved 

Average grade (from 1 to 10 – 10 is the highest) on existing education campaigns by local & national authorities for the improvement of traffic in urban areas.
14.  Main suggested campaings for public education on issues concerning better traffic & transportation in urban areas:
National campaign in schools on traffic rules & regulations
National campaign on drinking & driving
National campaign on respect in traffic
National campaign on dangers of breaking of rules in traffic (safety belts, traffic lights, speeding)

pagina 10 - reteaua pietonala

-Pedestrian zones (also known as auto-free zones and car-free zones) are areas of a city or town reserved for pedestrian only use and in which some or all automobile traffic may be prohibited.
The term "pedestrianised zone" is used in British English, and most other European countries use a similar term (French: zone piétonne, German: Fußgängerzone, Spanish: zona peatonal).
The first purpose-built pedestrian street in Europe was the Lijnbaan in Rotterdam opened 1953. The first pedestrianized shopping centre in the United Kingdom was in Stevenage in 1959.
A large number of European towns and cities have made part of their centres car-free since the early 1960s. These are often accompanied by car parks on the edge of the pedestrianised zone, and, in the larger cases, park and ride schemes. Central Copenhagen is one of the largest and oldest examples: the pedestrian zone is centered on Strøget, a pedestrian shopping street, which is in fact not a single street but a series of interconnected avenues which create a very large pedestrian zone, although it is crossed in places by streets with vehicular traffic. Most of these zones allow delivery trucks to service the businesses located there during the early morning, and street-cleaning vehicles will usually go through these streets after most shops have closed for the night.
Informatiile de aici mi s-au parut interesante:
Si am extras:
-Principles of Intelligent Urbanism (PIU) is a theory of urban planning composed of a set of ten axioms intended to guide the formulation of city plans and urban designs. They are intended to reconcile and integrate diverse urban planning and management concerns. These axioms include environmental sustainability, heritage conservation, appropriate technology, infrastructure efficiency, placemaking, "Social Access," transit oriented development, regional integration, human scale, and institutional integrity.
The PIU evolved from the city planning guidelines formulated by the International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM)
1.1 Principle one: a balance with nature
1.2 Principle two: a balance with tradition
1.3 Principle three: appropriate technology
1.4 Principle four: conviviality
1.4.1 A place for the individual
1.4.2 A place for friendship
1.4.3 A place for householders
1.4.4 A place for the neighborhood
1.4.5 A place for communities
1.4.6 A place for the city domain
1.5 Principle five: efficiency
1.6 Principle six: human scale
1.7 Principle seven: opportunity matrix
1.8 Principle eight: regional integration
1.9 Principle nine: balanced movement
1.10 Principle ten: institutional integrity

Dintre care a 5-a cred ca ne ajuta cumva:
Principle five: efficiencyThe principle of efficiency promotes a balance between the consumption of resources such as energy, time and fiscal resources, with planned achievements in comfort, safety, security, access, tenure, productivity and hygiene. It encourages optimum sharing of public land, roads, facilities, services and infrastructural networks, reducing per household costs, while increasing affordability, productivity, access and civic viability.

Intelligent Urbanism promotes a balance between performance and consumption. Intelligent urbanism promotes efficiency in carrying out functions in a cost effective manner. It assesses the performance of various systems required by the public and the consumption of energy, funds, administrative time and the maintenance efforts required to perform these functions.

A major concern of this principle is transport. While recognizing the convenience of personal vehicles, it attempts to place costs (such as energy consumption, large paved areas, parking, accidents, negative balance of trade, pollution and related morbidity) on the users of private vehicles.

Good city planning practice promotes alternative modes of transport, as opposed to a dependence on personal vehicles. It promotes affordable public transport. It promotes medium to high-density residential development along with complementary social amenities, convenience shopping, recreation and public services in compact, walkable mixed-use settlements. These compact communities have shorter pipe lengths, wire lengths, cable lengths and road lengths per capita. More people share gardens, shops and transit stops.

pagina 9 - The Cycling

General aspects
In Bucharest the infrastructure for bicycles is in progress. More and more stores and service are opening in the city. people is starting to present real interes on this way of transport. There are some organisation that rent's cycles for free and another with cash. The municipality had created some cycling lanes in a domr arias, especialy in parks and next to some avenues.

it's healthy.
it's cheap.
it's fast

it's dangerous-
i'ts fizicaly demandig - you sweat, get tired,
the risk of being stolen

The main Problem
The bicicles risk to be hurted by the falling, by the crash with cars, pedestrians, animals and weather.

Create more safe, clean and coverd bicicle lanes, and parkings for the one who can ride a bicycle.
Create a three or for  wheels taxicycle sistem for people who can't drive a bike,

pagina 8 - reteaua de taxi-uri

General aspects

The taxi is private car but for public use with a shofere included. There are owned by private companies and licenced by municipality. The price is according the the distance and the time the passenger is using the car. 

is the  most confortable way of transport. One dont need to walk long distance to get one, no need to drive it. no need to park it, or mentain it's condition. 

Highest price per kilometre
Because ar car as in rush houres is as slow as any other mean of transport.
because the fuel, emanate gases. 
Some drivers are unpleasent or dangerous. 

The problem
Taxi companies are mere concearned of anything eals than profits. 

Municipality should give taxi licence anly to cars that respect eco-standars. 

Au fost identificate zonele de risc în ceea ce priveste pirateria din taximetrie : Gara de Nord, Gara de Est, Aeroportul Băneasa, zona marilor complexe comerciale şi de agrement.
    Ca urmare a studiilor efectuate au fost constatate următoarele activităţi ilegale desfăşurate de taximetrişti :
- alterarea indicatiilor aparatului de taxat prin modificarea artizanala (oficial, aparatele de taxat sunt calibrate la omologare şi la avizarea metrologică să indice un anume tarif, exprimat în lei/km. parcurs). Prin modificarea artizanală şi neautorizată se produce efectul de majorare frauduloasă a preţului cursei, în detrimentul clientului.
- amplasarea unui montaj electronic la aparatul de taxat ( aşa zisă maimuţa ) prin intermediul căruia se trimit impulsuri electronice frauduloase către aparat, care majorează preţul cursei, tot în detrimentul clientului.
- utilizarea de aparate de taxat neomologate şi nefiscalizate, în scopul evaziunii fiscale. 
- refuzul taximetriştilor de a utiliza aparatul de taxat pe timpul cursei, în scopul însuşirii sumei datorate şi evitarea obligaţiilor fiscale. 
- negocierea directă cu clientul a preţului cursei, înainte de efectuarea acesteia.
- neeliberarea bonului clientului la terminarea cursei, în scopul de a se evita obţinerea unei dovezi ce ar putea fi folosită la o eventuală reclamaţie faţă de calitatea serviciilor de transport. 

duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

pagina 7. reteaua de maxi taxi

vezi pagina 4

pagina 6. Trolleybuses, Buses and Tram

General aspects 
... vezi mai jos.

Is cheap for travelers, because the investitiona and mentenance is made by the Ratb.
A good way to go arond the city.  a cuple of minutes walkink, a quarter/half of a euro, one or rute's change, one can go from anywere to anyplace of the city.

the unpleasent waiting
the crowding made worst by toxic passangers.( tieves, loud, ungry, or homeless people) 
the dirth, 
buses are running on fosile fuel, and that brings the specific range of problems. (noise and gases)

Main problem.
the ratb do not offer services atractiv enough for evrybody. wealthy people are extreemly frustrated by the ratb's condition. 

Make a firt class service for bublic trasnport.

The tram is a vehicle that runs on two metallic rails, designed to carry passengers and commonly used in cities. It consists of a number of one to five coaches, one of which is motor car. Current models are powered by electric motors: voltage is supplied by an overhead line and is self grounding. Older models were drawn by horses or steam locomotives or engines equipped with diesel engines.
In 1871 the first tram appeared on the streets of Bucharest, trams pulled by horses, and in 1894 is given in use first electric tram line.
Now we have 332.2 kilometers of simple track and 243 km of double track. Every day, every tram travel an average of 205 km and together carry 1.2 million passengers.
At this point, if there are 26 tram lines in service. The number varies frequently influenced by the work of rebuilding the infrastructure ongoing.
In 1998 RATB developed a project to modernize the network of trams. On this occasion he appeared and the term "light rail", which refers to a running path for railway tram type, completely separated from the carriageway to avoid entering the machinery, allowing higher speeds to catch trams and make stops only in stations.

Str.Academiei / Bd.Elisabeta

Tramvai pe Str.Academiei

Sos.Stefan cel Mare


Hotel Palace - Str.Brezoianu

Pagina 5 - reteaua de metrou

The source problem,
is underdeveloped,

The solution.
More trains, lines and stations are needed, with high-capacity parking spaces, conected to evry exit to the surface.

- fast & efficient - best way to move around Bucharest
- independent of the traffic above it or other outter factor
- cleaner and more secure than other public means of transport
- the ticket system & barriers makes it difficult to use it "free" therefore there is no risk of getting a high fine

- on some certain hours it tends to be overcrowded ( 8 in the morining at Victoriei)
- for some areas like Obor to Pantelimon it does not fallow a straight rute thus it does not travel to the destination in the fastest time possible
- some locations need an exchange which means more time to be wasted
- too few station - a further walking/or taking other public transport is needed for reaching the final destination
- the maps aren`t shown in the station - only in the vehicle so you can`t calculate your rute until you get in

Extended version: 
Bucharest is known to be the only city in Romania which as of 2009
has an underground railway system, comprising both the Bucharest
Metro and the light rail system Regia Autonomă de Transport
Bucureşti. Although construction was planned to begin in 1941, due
to geo-political factors, the Bucharest Metro was only opened in
1979. Now it is one of the most accessed systems of the Bucharest
public transport network with an average of 800,000 passengers
during the workweek. In total, the network is 67 km long and has 49
Some proposals have been made about building a metro networks in
some of the other largest cities in the country, such as one in Cluj-
Napoca, and in Braşov.

The subway network is considered the fasted and the easiest way to
get around in Bucharest at this moment.
The metro is not affected by the upper urban traffic and its rush
hours, nor any other outside factors. Furthermore due to its secured
acces, we can claim there is a slight higher level of safety within the
Metrorex transport than with the RATB above.
However our research shows that we have some inconvenients
as well: on one side we have the fact that the Metrorex network
covers a small surface of the city. In other words the choices are
limited: you can`t get quite anywhere in Bucharest using the subway
- most of the times it`s needed further walking or taking the bus/
tramway to reach your destination. On the other hand the process of
its construction that takes a lot of time and money (That Romania
barely has at the moment)
Moreover another factor is that the subway map as shown in the
image does not use the principle “shortest way from point A to
point B“. For example if you want to go from Obor to Pantelimon
the metro ll go all the way around to Dristor. So despite it`s not
affected by traffic there is still some time wasting in the process of
Nonetheless the subway won`t be spared by the rush hours either.
On morning hours like 7 to 9, for example, its capacity is still overwhelmed


Pagina 4 - private autovehicle

(harti, poze, grafice, desene samd. ex, harta rutiera,  harta parcarilor, harta zgomotului, poze din trafic la anumite ore in acelasi loc , poze cu gropi in asfalt, poze cu masini parcate aiure, poze cu parcari pline, goale, inteligente, tipuri de vehicule,  intersectii bune, intersectii proaste, masini abandonate, politisti, semne de circulatie, etc.

General aspects:

All the cars as well as some other means transport runs on a nerwork of 5 340 streets 1820,8 km and a total surface of 19 499,900 mp. A range of 258 de străzi from those 5340 are vital for the the conducting of the main socio-economical activities of the entire city. this roads ashures the conections with the rest of the contry trough national roads and mororways, or between the main arias of the citi trough main or ring roads, 

Din totalul de străzi a reţelei stradale a Municipiului Bucureşti , un număr de 1932 sunt străzi cu îmbracăminte definitivă (1532 străzi cu asfalt şi beton de ciment şi 400 străzi cu pavaj din piatră fasonată). Acestea reprezintă circa 57% din totalul străzilor. Restul sunt străzi cu pavaj din bolovani, pietruite sau neasfaltate. 

a. rises one`s social statute & adrenaline
b. security and comfort
c. handy when in need to carry luggage or passengers
d. regardless of the rush hours and law-abiding - it can be a fast way to reach from point A to point B

require a driving license - which it`s gotten quite easily and that leads us back to point c earlier
require a parking space - wich is hard to find, costs money, costs green spaces. 
- the driver mind is busy on driving - he is loosing the time/and money while driving . 

- toxic gasses emanation - costs in health problems, 
- noise polution - produces psichiatric disorders. 
- many accidents with human victims. - 
- high costs with garage service

The Source of problems. 
- there are to many old cars running on streets and this coses trafic jam, air and noise polution, the feling of invasion. 

The Solution  
Reduce the number of cars, by discouraging driving trough restrisctions on certain areas (streets), expensive parking spaces, high fines. And in mean time encouriging the usage of ecological vehicles, like public ones, or personal cars by offering good discounts and street acces to those who respect the highest standards of polution. with the  money colected, should be developed ways to speed up the transports.